Hi !

Thanks for stopping by my corner of the Internet.

Who am I ?

I’m Hugo, a PhD student researching predictive coding, an influential brain theory that promises to account for the many seemingly disparate results neuroscientists have gathered over decades of experiments.

I’m a neurobiologist by training, but I believe no good science can be done without a theory-driven approach. My experimental work is mostly about vision, while my theoreotical interests are about anything neural network-related. You can read the fine details on my résumé.

I also play piano for a hobby, and, like the stereotypical Frenchman I am, can find you a decent bottle of wine at any conference.

What’s all this about ?

This website is a way to share actually serious thoughts in an informal delivery style, much like in the section above. I feel this is necessary, as most people only get to see the tip of the iceberg of a scientist’s train of thoughts through articles that have been transmuted by editing and peer reviewing.

Therefore, this website constitutes the non-tip of the iceberg (formally dubbed the bummock) of my brain.

Additionally, this website serves as a convenient platform to host open-access PDFs of my research, and as a linking hub for diverse social medias links.

Hugo Ladret

PhD Student computational neuroscience + vision

Marseille + Montreal

'A major challenge of any scientific endeavor is not only to provide good answers to the questions we ask about the world, but to find good questions to ask in the first place' > Paul Cisek, 2019